Collection of Cups
Vietnam Fine Robusta Coffee
Espresso Natural Fine Robusta Lot01 RF-ESNT24 rich body, light sourness, sweet aftertaste
Vietnam Specialty Coffee
HOANGLUAN Natural Arabica RF-HLANT24 sour, mildly bitter, sweet aftertaste, rich notes
Vietnam Fine Robusta Coffee
Honey Ea-Tan Fine Robusta Coffee RFFR-ETRH24 rich body, light sourness, sweet aftertaste
Vietnam Fine Robusta Coffee
Kbre Natural Fine Robusta Lot01 RF-KBNT24 rich body, light sourness, sweet aftertaste
Vietnam Fine Robusta Coffee
Natural Ea-Tan Fine Robusta Coffee RF-ETNT24 rich body, light sourness, sweet aftertaste
Collection of Cups
Vietnam Specialty Coffee
Pun Honey Arabica LotN1 RF-PAHH24 sour, mildly bitter, sweet aftertaste, rich notes
Vietnam Specialty Coffee
Pun Natural Arabica LotN1 RF-PANT24 sour, mildly bitter, sweet aftertaste, rich notes